Jake Sander

Weave Creator



    • Pursues process with awareness and integrity.
    • Appreciates the fractal absurdity of life.
    • Loves to meet authentic people doing jobs they love, and talk with them about same.

My Talent

Deep, charismatic research. I excel at creating programs of learning for myself and experiencing my goals in real life in a way that draws others in.

My Passion

I live for mastering the different mindsets used in different professions and for combining them in interesting ways.

My Longing For Humanity

A greater appreciation for stewardship. Acknowledging the seasonality of life, and working towards the simple honor of leaving things in the world better than when you found them.

My Purpose

(based on the intersection of the above three items)

To dream and make products that help to reveal to people the context of their choices.

What is something you love to do outside of work?

Exploring various arts and crafts to discover beautiful materials, processes, and metaphors. I have worked in blacksmithing, woodworking, pre-industrial food ways, and less so in horn and non-ferrous metals.

What is your favorite movie and why?

One of the last films I really enjoyed was Spielberg’s Lincoln. It showed the dirty political reality of achieving moral ends, and challenged my concept of what the moral path looks like. I also enjoy most movies with Daniel Day-Lewis.

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?

I would found a learning community dedicated to living the values of stewardship, without the traditional religious dogma associated with monastic life.

If I want to get you talking, what should I ask you about?

Arts and crafts, and design philosophy.