Humu Nudge Engine

The Context …

Amid a successful Series C investment round that closed at $60 million, Humu’s Nudge Engine was gaining traction. Flagship companies were vocal in their appreciation, leading to repeat business worth seven figures. Founded by industry luminaries – Laszlo Bock, former Head of People at Google; Wayne Crosby, the brain behind Google Slides; and Jessica Wisdom, known for pioneering the link between psychological safety and high-performing teams – Humu was a magnet for top talent, driven by its exemplary leadership and culture. Simultaneously, the broader market was grappling with a worrying trend: heightened talent burnout, especially among managers. Aggravated by the relentless pressure to deliver with limited resources, the talent shortage quickly escalated, becoming a paramount risk, a sentiment echoed in numerous client 10K reports.

Paul’s Role …

Spotting the revolutionary potential of the Humu Nudge Engine, Paul took a proactive stance. Recognizing the importance of proximity to the real business challenges, he stepped into the shoes of an Enterprise Account Director. This wasn’t just a sales role; it was a vantage point to understand, adapt, and innovate:

  • Paul spearheaded strategic conversations with C-suite members from industry leaders like Comcast, Levis, and Pinterest.
  • As a conduit between clients and the product team, Paul echoed the voice of the customer, ensuring their needs were both heard and met. He also effectively communicated the AI’s advanced capabilities to both receptive and inquisitive customers.
  • Paul’s unique ability to bridge gaps became evident. He seamlessly connected technology teams, psychologists, and business stakeholders, proving invaluable in discussions across sales, product teams, and leadership spheres.

Business Outcomes …

While Humu’s journey took an unexpected turn, the experience was revealing:

  • Paul’s involvement underlined the critical role Product Managers play in steering the company’s direction. His ability to bring multiple stakeholders onto a shared platform could have been even more instrumental had he been in a dedicated PM role.
  • The Series-C investment company’s intervention highlighted the challenges of establishing true product-market fit. The founder’s noble vision—to enhance the workplace experience universally—faced roadblocks when they parted ways with the company.