Kilton Hopkins

Chief Technology Creator


  • figures out how to use technology in life-affirming ways.
  • explores the universe, works to understand it, creates within it, and helps others to do the same.
  • loves to both learn and teach.

My Talent

I am really good at getting simple and useful results out of technology.

My Passion

Possibilities and making efforts to reach them.

My Longing For Humanity

That each person take full responsibility for their life and evolution. I imagine it would be an amazing collective adventure.

My Purpose

(based on the intersection of the above three items)

Moving humanity forward with technology.

What is something you love to do outside of work?

Explore the universe externally through science and education. Explore the universe internally through meditation.

What is your favorite movie and why?

Vanilla Sky. The hero transitions from being a popular, wealthy man to losing it all… then to pulling himself together and doing the right thing in the real world… then to moving into a subconscious wonderland of struggle and uncertainty… then to realizing that he is just at the beginning of seeing true reality… and he chooses to step into the unknown as an absolute beginner instead of having everything he ever wanted but knowing it is not real.

It’s a Buddha story set in modern times. The combination of reactive growth and intentional growth is amazing.

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?

Exactly what I’m doing… but bigger and bolder.

If I want to get you talking, what should I ask you about?

The possibility that our Sun formed along with another large celestial body which we have not yet detected.